Webpay FAQs

  1. Which are the payment options available?
  2. How can I make deposits via Webpay?
  3. Which are the minimum and maximum limits to make deposits?
  4. How long does it take to process the deposit?
  5. Is there any charge for making deposits?
  6. Is it possible to deposit via mobile phone?
  7. Can I receive cash with WebPay?

1. Which are the payment options available?

The payment options available are bank transfer, debit card, credit card or payment coupons (the options may differ based on your registration country).

2. How can I make deposits via Webpay?

Enter the website and click on the “Deposit” button.
Choose the Webpay option and select the amount to be deposited or enter it manually, always according to the determined limits set out per the site.
Select your favourite deposit option, either via RedCompra or Webpay.
Click on “Process deposit” and continue with the next steps.

3. Which are the minimum and maximum limits to make deposits?

The limits are a minimum of CLP 6,000 and a maximum of CLP 6,000,000

4. How long does it take to process the deposit?

The processing time is up to 30 minutes after confirmation from the bank .

5. Is there any charge for making deposits?

No commission is charged with this method.

6. Is it possible to deposit via a mobile phone?

Yes, it is.

7. Can I receive cash via Webpay?

Deposits made via WebPay allow the user to receive cash via bank transfers.